Edgewood Rehabilitation and Living Center, a small hometown facility located just North of Farmington Village on Route 4 and 27, has an ambiance of comfort and friendliness. From the front entrance with its protective car port and front porch, to its experienced employees who greet you with a warm smile and welcoming personality, Edgewood feels like the right place to find the services you need. While providing patient care with experience and commitment, there is also laughter as we build special relationships with those we care for, as well as their families and volunteers.
Within this white and brick physical plant with the rocking chairs on the porch, you will find a variety of services including short term skilled nursing (following hospitalization), rehabilitation including speech pathology, physical and occupational therapy, long-term care, and end of life care as well as residential care for those who thrive on a bit more independence. We can also arrange outpatient rehabilitation after a nursing stay or directly with your physician order. We accept Medicare, Medicaid (MaineCare), private insurance or your own private funds depending on eligible services. When you visit seasonally, please feel free to spend a few minutes observing our raised bed gardens which residents proudly tend and where our dietary staff harvests.
Please call or email anytime to arrange a tour or to gather further information that will help you to select the most appropriate accommodations.
Contact Email: Edgewood@ncaltc.com
For additional information regarding our facility and the services we offer, please contact us at (207) 778-3386
… To connect with us online or learn more, please visit us at Our Facebook Page
Edgewood Rehabilitation and Living Center
Email: edgewood@ncaltc.com
Address: 228 Fairbanks Road, Farmington, Maine 04938, USA